# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0107 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} declblock {\#if 1} {open public after {\#endif} } { decl {\#pragma warning(disable: 4311)} {} decl {\#pragma warning(disable: 4312)} {} } Function {createPlayerWindow()} {open } { Fl_Window MainWindow {open xywh {762 248 419 294} type Double box PLASTIC_UP_BOX color 48 selection_color 35 labelsize 8 labelcolor 198 visible } { Fl_Output MusicTitleDisplay { xywh {10 5 400 30} color 33 labelfont 4 labelsize 11 labelcolor 88 textfont 1 textcolor 48 } Fl_Value_Slider PlayPositionSlider { callback OnSliderMoved xywh {10 33 400 20} type Horizontal labelsize 11 textsize 11 } Fl_Light_Button PlayButton { label {@>} callback OnPlayPressed tooltip {Play/Pause} xywh {10 62 45 26} labelsize 11 labelcolor 24 } Fl_Light_Button LoopButton { label {@reload} callback OnLoopPressed tooltip Loop xywh {60 62 45 26} labelsize 11 labelcolor 24 } Fl_File_Browser FileBrowser { callback OnBrowserChanged xywh {10 115 400 150} color 55 selection_color 40 labelsize 11 when 3 textsize 11 textcolor 32 } Fl_Button {} { label {?} callback OnAbout tooltip About xywh {388 62 20 26} labelsize 11 } Fl_Repeat_Button DirectoryButton { label {[drive]} callback OnDirectoryButton tooltip {Select drive to browse} xywh {365 266 45 20} labelsize 11 } Fl_Output PathDisplay { xywh {10 267 350 20} color 48 labelsize 11 textsize 11 deactivate } Fl_Button {} { label {@+3<->} callback OnTogglePlayList tooltip {Show/Hide Playlist} xywh {338 62 45 26} labelsize 8 labelcolor 24 } Fl_Value_Slider SpeedSlider { label {playback speed:} callback OnPlaybackSpeedChanged xywh {205 60 115 15} type Horizontal labelsize 11 align 4 maximum 5 value 1 textsize 11 } Fl_Value_Slider VolumeSlider { label {volume:} callback OnVolumeSliderChanged xywh {205 74 115 15} type Horizontal labelsize 11 align 4 value 1 textsize 11 } Fl_Value_Slider PanSlider { label {pan:} callback OnPanSliderChanged selected xywh {205 87 115 15} type Horizontal labelsize 11 align 4 minimum -1 textsize 11 } } }