[gd_scene load_steps=17 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://Materials/Dark_ProtoMat.tres" type="Material" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/InfoScreen.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://Player.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=3] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Enemy.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=4] [ext_resource path="res://Audio/DiJazz.ogg" type="AudioStream" id=5] [ext_resource path="res://Levels/Level01.gd" type="Script" id=6] [ext_resource path="res://AllSkyFree_Skyboxes/Epic_BlueSunset_EquiRect_flat.png" type="Texture" id=7] [ext_resource path="res://fonts/TorontoSubwayRegular.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=8] [ext_resource path="res://Materials/Grass_Mat.tres" type="Material" id=9] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Arbre.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=10] [ext_resource path="res://Scenes/Sapin.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=11] [ext_resource path="res://Materials/SquareGrill_Mat.tres" type="Material" id=12] [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=11] size = 64 outline_size = 4 outline_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) use_mipmaps = true use_filter = true font_data = ExtResource( 8 ) [sub_resource type="QuadMesh" id=13] size = Vector2( 10000, 10000 ) [sub_resource type="PanoramaSky" id=14] panorama = ExtResource( 7 ) [sub_resource type="Environment" id=10] background_mode = 2 background_sky = SubResource( 14 ) fog_enabled = true fog_color = Color( 0.32549, 0.333333, 0.341176, 1 ) ssao_enabled = true ssao_radius = 4.45 ssao_intensity = 21.37 ssao_radius2 = 26.07 ssao_intensity2 = 13.38 ssao_bias = 0.288 ssao_quality = 0 ssao_edge_sharpness = 26.86 dof_blur_far_enabled = true dof_blur_far_transition = 214.88 dof_blur_far_amount = 0.12 dof_blur_far_quality = 0 glow_enabled = true glow_intensity = 1.17 glow_strength = 0.66 glow_bloom = 0.02 glow_blend_mode = 1 glow_hdr_threshold = 0.44 glow_bicubic_upscale = true glow_high_quality = true [node name="lvl1" type="Spatial"] script = ExtResource( 6 ) [node name="CSGCombiner" type="CSGCombiner" parent="."] use_collision = true [node name="Floor" type="CSGBox" parent="CSGCombiner"] transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, -6 ) snap = 1.0 width = 20.0 height = 6.0 depth = 30.0 material = ExtResource( 1 ) [node name="FloorClear" type="CSGBox" parent="CSGCombiner"] transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 10, -6 ) operation = 2 width = 18.0 height = 19.0 depth = 28.0 material = ExtResource( 12 ) [node name="Sun" type="DirectionalLight" parent="."] transform = Transform( 0.707107, -0.353553, 0.612372, 0, 0.866025, 0.5, -0.707107, -0.353553, 0.612372, 7.99925, 6, 7.97141 ) [node name="Player" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )] transform = Transform( 0.778692, 0, 0.627406, 0, 1, 0, -0.627406, 0, 0.778692, -3, 4.17456, 4 ) [node name="InfoScreen" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )] transform = Transform( -4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -8.96416, 4.67344, 0 ) text = "Slap the ball into the other one [hold and release left_click to slap]" [node name="Enemy" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 4 )] transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, -3 ) [node name="Enemy2" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 4 )] transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, -16 ) [node name="Music" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."] stream = ExtResource( 5 ) bus = "Music" [node name="Messages" type="Control" parent="."] margin_right = 40.0 margin_bottom = 40.0 [node name="Win" type="Label" parent="Messages"] visible = false margin_left = 775.0 margin_top = 469.0 margin_right = 1187.0 margin_bottom = 627.0 custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 11 ) text = "You're Winner!" align = 1 [node name="End" type="Timer" parent="."] wait_time = 3.0 [node name="Floor" type="MeshInstance" parent="."] transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37114e-08, 1, 0, -1, -4.37114e-08, -0.239059, 0.211092, -0.192581 ) mesh = SubResource( 13 ) material/0 = ExtResource( 9 ) [node name="Trees" type="Spatial" parent="."] transform = Transform( 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, -0.588667, 6.39042 ) [node name="Arbre" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -1.72611, 5.39206, 19.0322 ) [node name="Sapin" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5.93258, 5.40307, 19.0322 ) [node name="Arbre2" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -1.72611, 5.39206, -30.2878 ) [node name="Sapin2" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5.93258, 5.40307, -30.2878 ) [node name="Arbre3" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 32.5278, 5.39206, -7.24494 ) [node name="Sapin3" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 40.1865, 5.40307, -7.24494 ) [node name="Arbre4" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -32.154, 5.39206, -11.065 ) [node name="Sapin4" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -24.4954, 5.40307, -11.065 ) [node name="Arbre5" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -32.2859, 5.39206, 4.57624 ) [node name="Sapin5" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -24.6272, 5.40307, 4.57624 ) [node name="Arbre6" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 14.9471, 5.39206, -22.2922 ) [node name="Sapin6" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 22.6058, 5.40307, -22.2922 ) [node name="Arbre7" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 23.855, 5.39206, 19.0322 ) [node name="Sapin7" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 31.5137, 5.40307, 19.0322 ) [node name="Arbre8" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -28.2834, 5.39206, 19.0322 ) [node name="Sapin8" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -20.6247, 5.40307, 19.0322 ) [node name="Arbre9" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -14.873, 5.39206, 37.7815 ) [node name="Sapin9" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -7.21426, 5.40307, 37.7815 ) [node name="Arbre10" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -20.1463, 5.39206, -3.67992 ) [node name="Sapin10" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -15.0643, 5.40307, 2.04971 ) [node name="Arbre11" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 16.7511, 5.39206, -36.4067 ) [node name="Sapin11" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 21.8331, 5.40307, -30.6771 ) [node name="Arbre12" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 22.2417, 5.39206, 4.5097 ) [node name="Sapin12" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 27.3237, 5.40307, 10.2393 ) [node name="Arbre13" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -17.8207, 5.39206, -46.415 ) [node name="Sapin13" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -12.7387, 5.40307, -40.6854 ) [node name="Arbre14" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -29.6098, 5.39206, -36.1348 ) [node name="Sapin14" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -24.5278, 5.40307, -30.4051 ) [node name="Arbre15" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 21.8331, 5.39206, -18.6276 ) [node name="Sapin15" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 26.9151, 5.40307, -12.898 ) [node name="Arbre16" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -3.17169, 5.39206, 15.4579 ) [node name="Sapin16" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 1.91032, 5.40307, 21.1875 ) [node name="Arbre17" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -37.7687, 5.39206, -23.548 ) [node name="Sapin17" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -32.6867, 5.40307, -17.8184 ) [node name="Arbre18" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -42.8968, 5.39206, -1.07408 ) [node name="Sapin18" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -37.8148, 5.40307, 4.65556 ) [node name="Arbre19" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -26.9607, 5.39206, 0.0692382 ) [node name="Sapin19" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -24.0985, 5.40307, 7.173 ) [node name="Arbre20" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 18.7857, 5.39206, -18.3625 ) [node name="Sapin20" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 21.6479, 5.40307, -11.2587 ) [node name="Arbre21" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 10.2137, 5.39206, 22.021 ) [node name="Sapin21" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 13.0759, 5.40307, 29.1248 ) [node name="Arbre22" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -10.4157, 5.39206, -39.4018 ) [node name="Sapin22" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -7.55355, 5.40307, -32.298 ) [node name="Arbre23" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -24.9729, 5.39206, -33.6787 ) [node name="Sapin23" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -22.1107, 5.40307, -26.5749 ) [node name="Arbre24" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 17.6005, 5.39206, 0.090724 ) [node name="Sapin24" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 20.4627, 5.40307, 7.19449 ) [node name="Arbre25" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -17.4006, 5.39206, 23.7969 ) [node name="Sapin25" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -14.5385, 5.40307, 30.9006 ) [node name="Arbre26" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -36.8856, 5.39206, -24.5638 ) [node name="Sapin26" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -34.0234, 5.40307, -17.46 ) [node name="Arbre27" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -49.2647, 5.39206, -5.11811 ) [node name="Sapin27" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -46.4025, 5.40307, 1.98565 ) [node name="Arbre28" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -12.7782, 5.39206, -25.5042 ) [node name="Sapin28" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -16.1935, 5.40307, -18.6492 ) [node name="Arbre29" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 31.3665, 5.39206, -3.51082 ) [node name="Sapin29" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 27.9512, 5.40307, 3.34422 ) [node name="Arbre30" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -4.53333, 5.39206, 16.8731 ) [node name="Sapin30" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -7.94858, 5.40307, 23.7282 ) [node name="Arbre31" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 27.7296, 5.39206, -39.3179 ) [node name="Sapin31" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 24.3143, 5.40307, -32.4629 ) [node name="Arbre32" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 13.7884, 5.39206, -46.4109 ) [node name="Sapin32" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 10.3732, 5.40307, -39.5558 ) [node name="Arbre33" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 16.7748, 5.39206, 7.84732 ) [node name="Sapin33" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 13.3596, 5.40307, 14.7024 ) [node name="Arbre34" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -24.1857, 5.39206, -2.60737 ) [node name="Sapin34" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -27.6009, 5.40307, 4.24767 ) [node name="Arbre35" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -0.935441, 5.39206, -49.2747 ) [node name="Sapin35" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -4.3507, 5.40307, -42.4197 ) [node name="Arbre36" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -23.6975, 5.39206, -45.6324 ) [node name="Sapin36" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -27.1127, 5.40307, -38.7774 ) [node name="Arbre37" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 7.20829, 0, -6.93112, 0, 10, 0, 6.93112, 0, 7.20829, 23.9723, 5.39206, 40.217 ) [node name="Sapin37" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 7.20829, 0, -6.93112, 0, 10, 0, 6.93112, 0, 7.20829, 29.4929, 5.40307, 45.5253 ) [node name="Sapin38" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.40219, 0, -9.99191, 0, 11, 0, 9.99191, 0, -0.40219, 32.567, 5.40307, 36.2831 ) [node name="Arbre38" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -3.73506, 0, -9.27628, 0, 9, 0, 9.27628, 0, -3.73506, 12.0676, 5.39206, 32.9164 ) [node name="Sapin39" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -3.73506, 0, -9.27628, 0, 9, 0, 9.27628, 0, -3.73506, 9.20703, 5.40307, 40.0208 ) [node name="Arbre39" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -3.73506, 0, -9.27628, 0, 9, 0, 9.27628, 0, -3.73506, 32.5924, 5.39206, 22.2284 ) [node name="Arbre40" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -9.41823, 0, -3.36109, 0, 9, 0, 3.36109, 0, -9.41823, 26.621, 5.39206, 27.2472 ) [node name="Sapin40" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -9.41823, 0, -3.36109, 0, 9, 0, 3.36109, 0, -9.41823, 19.4079, 5.40307, 29.8214 ) [node name="Arbre41" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.76206, 0, 4.81937, 0, 10, 0, -4.81937, 0, 8.76206, -34.727, 5.39206, 32.83 ) [node name="Sapin41" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 8.76206, 0, 4.81937, 0, 10, 0, -4.81937, 0, 8.76206, -28.0164, 5.40307, 29.139 ) [node name="Sapin42" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 9.41964, 0, -3.35715, 0, 11, 0, 3.35715, 0, 9.41964, -35.9253, 5.40307, 23.454 ) [node name="Arbre42" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 7.7447, 0, -6.32611, 0, 9, 0, 6.32611, 0, 7.7447, -45.2392, 5.39206, 42.0231 ) [node name="Sapin43" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 7.7447, 0, -6.32611, 0, 9, 0, 6.32611, 0, 7.7447, -39.3078, 5.40307, 46.8681 ) [node name="Arbre43" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 7.7447, 0, -6.32611, 0, 9, 0, 6.32611, 0, 7.7447, -49.3358, 5.39206, 19.2477 ) [node name="Arbre44" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 0.406375, 0, -9.99174, 0, 9, 0, 9.99174, 0, 0.406375, -46.3211, 5.39206, 26.442 ) [node name="Sapin44" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 0.406375, 0, -9.99174, 0, 9, 0, 9.99174, 0, 0.406375, -46.0099, 5.40307, 34.0944 ) [node name="Arbre45" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -59.8333, 5.39206, -45.3085 ) [node name="Sapin45" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -52.9564, 5.40307, -41.9373 ) [node name="Arbre46" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -62.6025, 5.39206, -30.5665 ) [node name="Sapin46" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -55.7257, 5.40307, -27.1954 ) [node name="Arbre47" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -58.8141, 5.39206, -7.82836 ) [node name="Sapin47" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 2.66515, 0, -9.63831, 0, 11, 0, 9.63831, 0, 2.66515, -43.2577, 5.40307, -39.9966 ) [node name="Arbre48" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 2.66515, 0, -9.63831, 0, 11, 0, 9.63831, 0, 2.66515, -66.8738, 5.39206, -55.0526 ) [node name="Sapin48" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 2.66515, 0, -9.63831, 0, 11, 0, 9.63831, 0, 2.66515, -64.8327, 5.40307, -47.671 ) [node name="Arbre49" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -53.0679, 5.39206, -47.0114 ) [node name="Sapin49" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -53.6248, 5.40307, -39.373 ) [node name="Arbre50" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -54.928, 5.39206, -21.4979 ) [node name="Sapin50" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -55.4849, 5.40307, -13.8595 ) [node name="Arbre51" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -70.8115, 5.39206, -61.4868 ) [node name="Sapin51" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -71.3685, 5.40307, -53.8484 ) [node name="Arbre52" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -7.94393, 0, -6.07403, 0, 9, 0, 6.07403, 0, -7.94393, -49.3979, 5.39206, -48.1932 ) [node name="Sapin52" parent="Trees" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -7.94393, 0, -6.07403, 0, 9, 0, 6.07403, 0, -7.94393, -55.482, 5.40307, -43.5413 ) [node name="Trees2" type="Spatial" parent="Trees"] transform = Transform( 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) [node name="Arbre" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -1.72611, 5.39206, 19.0322 ) [node name="Sapin" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5.93258, 5.40307, 19.0322 ) [node name="Arbre2" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -1.72611, 5.39206, -30.2878 ) [node name="Sapin2" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 5.93258, 5.40307, -30.2878 ) [node name="Arbre3" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 32.5278, 5.39206, -7.24494 ) [node name="Sapin3" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 40.1865, 5.40307, -7.24494 ) [node name="Arbre4" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -32.154, 5.39206, -11.065 ) [node name="Sapin4" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -24.4954, 5.40307, -11.065 ) [node name="Arbre5" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -32.2859, 5.39206, 4.57624 ) [node name="Sapin5" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -24.6272, 5.40307, 4.57624 ) [node name="Arbre6" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 14.9471, 5.39206, -22.2922 ) [node name="Sapin6" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 22.6058, 5.40307, -22.2922 ) [node name="Arbre7" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 23.855, 5.39206, 19.0322 ) [node name="Sapin7" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 31.5137, 5.40307, 19.0322 ) [node name="Arbre8" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -28.2834, 5.39206, 19.0322 ) [node name="Sapin8" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -20.6247, 5.40307, 19.0322 ) [node name="Arbre9" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -14.873, 5.39206, 37.7815 ) [node name="Sapin9" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10, -7.21426, 5.40307, 37.7815 ) [node name="Arbre10" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -20.1463, 5.39206, -3.67992 ) [node name="Sapin10" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -15.0643, 5.40307, 2.04971 ) [node name="Arbre11" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 16.7511, 5.39206, -36.4067 ) [node name="Sapin11" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 21.8331, 5.40307, -30.6771 ) [node name="Arbre12" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 22.2417, 5.39206, 4.5097 ) [node name="Sapin12" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 27.3237, 5.40307, 10.2393 ) [node name="Arbre13" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -17.8207, 5.39206, -46.415 ) [node name="Sapin13" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -12.7387, 5.40307, -40.6854 ) [node name="Arbre14" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -29.6098, 5.39206, -36.1348 ) [node name="Sapin14" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -24.5278, 5.40307, -30.4051 ) [node name="Arbre15" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 21.8331, 5.39206, -18.6276 ) [node name="Sapin15" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 26.9151, 5.40307, -12.898 ) [node name="Arbre16" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -3.17169, 5.39206, 15.4579 ) [node name="Sapin16" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, 1.91032, 5.40307, 21.1875 ) [node name="Arbre17" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -37.7687, 5.39206, -23.548 ) [node name="Sapin17" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -32.6867, 5.40307, -17.8184 ) [node name="Arbre18" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -42.8968, 5.39206, -1.07408 ) [node name="Sapin18" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 6.63561, 0, -7.48122, 0, 11, 0, 7.48122, 0, 6.63561, -37.8148, 5.40307, 4.65556 ) [node name="Arbre19" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -26.9607, 5.39206, 0.0692382 ) [node name="Sapin19" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -24.0985, 5.40307, 7.173 ) [node name="Arbre20" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 18.7857, 5.39206, -18.3625 ) [node name="Sapin20" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 21.6479, 5.40307, -11.2587 ) [node name="Arbre21" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 10.2137, 5.39206, 22.021 ) [node name="Sapin21" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 13.0759, 5.40307, 29.1248 ) [node name="Arbre22" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -10.4157, 5.39206, -39.4018 ) [node name="Sapin22" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -7.55355, 5.40307, -32.298 ) [node name="Arbre23" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -24.9729, 5.39206, -33.6787 ) [node name="Sapin23" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -22.1107, 5.40307, -26.5749 ) [node name="Arbre24" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 17.6005, 5.39206, 0.090724 ) [node name="Sapin24" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, 20.4627, 5.40307, 7.19449 ) [node name="Arbre25" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -17.4006, 5.39206, 23.7969 ) [node name="Sapin25" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -14.5385, 5.40307, 30.9006 ) [node name="Arbre26" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -36.8856, 5.39206, -24.5638 ) [node name="Sapin26" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -34.0234, 5.40307, -17.46 ) [node name="Arbre27" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -49.2647, 5.39206, -5.11811 ) [node name="Sapin27" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 3.73716, 0, -9.27543, 0, 9, 0, 9.27543, 0, 3.73716, -46.4025, 5.40307, 1.98565 ) [node name="Arbre28" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -12.7782, 5.39206, -25.5042 ) [node name="Sapin28" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -16.1935, 5.40307, -18.6492 ) [node name="Arbre29" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 31.3665, 5.39206, -3.51082 ) [node name="Sapin29" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 27.9512, 5.40307, 3.34422 ) [node name="Arbre30" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -4.53333, 5.39206, 16.8731 ) [node name="Sapin30" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -7.94858, 5.40307, 23.7282 ) [node name="Arbre31" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 27.7296, 5.39206, -39.3179 ) [node name="Sapin31" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 24.3143, 5.40307, -32.4629 ) [node name="Arbre32" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 13.7884, 5.39206, -46.4109 ) [node name="Sapin32" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 10.3732, 5.40307, -39.5558 ) [node name="Arbre33" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 16.7748, 5.39206, 7.84732 ) [node name="Sapin33" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, 13.3596, 5.40307, 14.7024 ) [node name="Arbre34" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -24.1857, 5.39206, -2.60737 ) [node name="Sapin34" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -27.6009, 5.40307, 4.24767 ) [node name="Arbre35" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -0.935441, 5.39206, -49.2747 ) [node name="Sapin35" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -4.3507, 5.40307, -42.4197 ) [node name="Arbre36" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -23.6975, 5.39206, -45.6324 ) [node name="Sapin36" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -4.45932, 0, -8.95067, 0, 9, 0, 8.95067, 0, -4.45932, -27.1127, 5.40307, -38.7774 ) [node name="Arbre37" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 7.20829, 0, -6.93112, 0, 10, 0, 6.93112, 0, 7.20829, 23.9723, 5.39206, 40.217 ) [node name="Sapin37" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 7.20829, 0, -6.93112, 0, 10, 0, 6.93112, 0, 7.20829, 29.4929, 5.40307, 45.5253 ) [node name="Sapin38" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.40219, 0, -9.99191, 0, 11, 0, 9.99191, 0, -0.40219, 32.567, 5.40307, 36.2831 ) [node name="Arbre38" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -3.73506, 0, -9.27628, 0, 9, 0, 9.27628, 0, -3.73506, 12.0676, 5.39206, 32.9164 ) [node name="Sapin39" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -3.73506, 0, -9.27628, 0, 9, 0, 9.27628, 0, -3.73506, 9.20703, 5.40307, 40.0208 ) [node name="Arbre39" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -3.73506, 0, -9.27628, 0, 9, 0, 9.27628, 0, -3.73506, 32.5924, 5.39206, 22.2284 ) [node name="Arbre40" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -9.41823, 0, -3.36109, 0, 9, 0, 3.36109, 0, -9.41823, 26.621, 5.39206, 27.2472 ) [node name="Sapin40" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -9.41823, 0, -3.36109, 0, 9, 0, 3.36109, 0, -9.41823, 19.4079, 5.40307, 29.8214 ) [node name="Arbre41" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.76206, 0, 4.81937, 0, 10, 0, -4.81937, 0, 8.76206, -34.727, 5.39206, 32.83 ) [node name="Sapin41" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 8.76206, 0, 4.81937, 0, 10, 0, -4.81937, 0, 8.76206, -28.0164, 5.40307, 29.139 ) [node name="Sapin42" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 9.41964, 0, -3.35715, 0, 11, 0, 3.35715, 0, 9.41964, -35.9253, 5.40307, 23.454 ) [node name="Arbre42" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 7.7447, 0, -6.32611, 0, 9, 0, 6.32611, 0, 7.7447, -45.2392, 5.39206, 42.0231 ) [node name="Sapin43" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 7.7447, 0, -6.32611, 0, 9, 0, 6.32611, 0, 7.7447, -39.3078, 5.40307, 46.8681 ) [node name="Arbre43" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 7.7447, 0, -6.32611, 0, 9, 0, 6.32611, 0, 7.7447, -49.3358, 5.39206, 19.2477 ) [node name="Arbre44" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 0.406375, 0, -9.99174, 0, 9, 0, 9.99174, 0, 0.406375, -46.3211, 5.39206, 26.442 ) [node name="Sapin44" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 0.406375, 0, -9.99174, 0, 9, 0, 9.99174, 0, 0.406375, -46.0099, 5.40307, 34.0944 ) [node name="Arbre45" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -59.8333, 5.39206, -45.3085 ) [node name="Sapin45" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -52.9564, 5.40307, -41.9373 ) [node name="Arbre46" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -62.6025, 5.39206, -30.5665 ) [node name="Sapin46" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -55.7257, 5.40307, -27.1954 ) [node name="Arbre47" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 8.97912, 0, -4.40174, 0, 10, 0, 4.40174, 0, 8.97912, -58.8141, 5.39206, -7.82836 ) [node name="Sapin47" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 2.66515, 0, -9.63831, 0, 11, 0, 9.63831, 0, 2.66515, -43.2577, 5.40307, -39.9966 ) [node name="Arbre48" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( 2.66515, 0, -9.63831, 0, 11, 0, 9.63831, 0, 2.66515, -66.8738, 5.39206, -55.0526 ) [node name="Sapin48" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( 2.66515, 0, -9.63831, 0, 11, 0, 9.63831, 0, 2.66515, -64.8327, 5.40307, -47.671 ) [node name="Arbre49" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -53.0679, 5.39206, -47.0114 ) [node name="Sapin49" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -53.6248, 5.40307, -39.373 ) [node name="Arbre50" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -54.928, 5.39206, -21.4979 ) [node name="Sapin50" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -55.4849, 5.40307, -13.8595 ) [node name="Arbre51" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -70.8115, 5.39206, -61.4868 ) [node name="Sapin51" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -0.72716, 0, -9.97353, 0, 9, 0, 9.97353, 0, -0.72716, -71.3685, 5.40307, -53.8484 ) [node name="Arbre52" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 10 )] transform = Transform( -7.94393, 0, -6.07403, 0, 9, 0, 6.07403, 0, -7.94393, -49.3979, 5.39206, -48.1932 ) [node name="Sapin52" parent="Trees/Trees2" instance=ExtResource( 11 )] transform = Transform( -7.94393, 0, -6.07403, 0, 9, 0, 6.07403, 0, -7.94393, -55.482, 5.40307, -43.5413 ) [node name="WorldEnvironment_EpicBlueSky" type="WorldEnvironment" parent="."] environment = SubResource( 10 ) [connection signal="dying" from="Enemy" to="." method="_on_Enemy_dying"] [connection signal="dying" from="Enemy2" to="." method="_on_Enemy_dying"] [connection signal="timeout" from="End" to="." method="_on_Win_timeout"]